Graphite: An Unsung Hero of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics
As the world turns its eyes to Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympics, athletes will be pushing the boundaries of human performance. But behind many of their incredible feats of speed, power generation, and skill will be an unsung hero: graphite.
This high performance, versatile material, especially in the form of carbon fiber and carbon fiber composite materials, usually combined with an epoxy resin to improve toughness and durability, is set to play a crucial role in numerous Olympic events and venues, from sports equipment to clothing and supplies.
Semco employees are excited as anyone about the Paris Olympic games this summer, and naturally some of us will be thinking about the carbon fiber composites used in athletes’ clothing or the strength-to-weight ratio of carbon fiber in field hockey goalies’ helmets, but we'll try not to dig deep here into the manufacturing process and high temperature thresholds.
Below we’ll explore some of the ways that carbon fiber material will be used in the Paris Olympics this summer.
Strength-to-Weight Ratio
Carbon fibers, known for their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and tensile strength, will be integral to many athletes' equipment. Take cycling, a sport that has been part of the Olympics since the first modern games in 1896. Both track and road bikes will likely incorporate graphite fiber composite materials in their frames, wheels, and components. This allows for stiff yet low weight designs, giving cyclists the responsive handling and power generation and transfer they need to shave precious milliseconds off their times.
Similarly, pole vaulters will rely on graphite fiber poles to launch themselves to new heights. While fiberglass has been the most common material used to make poles for vaulting, carbon fiber material's ability to store and release energy efficiently also makes it an attractive choice for athletes, and could be the difference between setting a new Olympic record and just missing the podium.
Carbon Fiber and Aquatics
For many water lovers, the Summer Olympics are synonymous with aquatic sports. In the pool, graphite will make a splash in more ways than one. High-tech swimsuits often incorporate graphite-based materials to reduce drag and improve buoyancy. Even the starting blocks and touchpads may utilize graphite composites for their durability and precision.
For rowing and kayaking events, graphite fiber-reinforced paddles and oars will give athletes the perfect balance of strength, flex, and lightweight performance needed to power through the water.
On the Court and On The Field
Tennis players will be wielding rackets with graphite-reinforced frames,. These rackets are worlds away from the wooden rackets of old times. While wood is strong and sturdy, it can’t provide the ideal mix of power and control that graphite-reinforced frames do.
In team sports like field hockey, graphite-composite sticks offer Olympians improved ball control and shot power. Carbon fiber composite even shows up in some field hockey goalies’ protective helmets.
Even in sports where graphite isn't directly in the athletes' hands, it may still play a role. The nets and goal posts in various events incorporate graphite composites for their strength and resistance to corrosion due to weather.
Olympic Infrastructure
Graphite will show up at the Paris Olympics beyond its uses in athletic equipment and clothing. The Olympic village and various venues utilize graphite-based materials in their construction. From reinforced concrete to lightweight roofing materials, graphite shows up in many construction materials and buildings.
In the case of concrete, for instance, graphite can improve the strength of the material and also mitigate electrical mishaps and lightning strikes by helping to dissipate the electricity.
Additionally, graphite's excellent thermal and electrical conductivity properties make it valuable in the behind-the-scenes technology powering the Games. From batteries in broadcasting equipment to thermal management in computer systems, graphite will help keep the Olympic machine running smoothly.
We are fond of extolling the benefits of carbon graphite here at Semco, and this summer will be a showcase for this amazing material, if you know where to look (and now that you’ve read this blog, you do!).
Graphite will be an invisible yet indispensable part of the 2024 Paris Olympics. As athletes strive for faster, higher, and stronger performances, graphite will be there, silently supporting their pursuit of glory.