Linda Husk, Controller at Semco, Trains Young Archers
Semco are leaders in graphite manufacturing. Our decades working with companies in various graphite industries has taught us one important lesson about running a great business: you have to hire great people. One of those great people that we’d like to highlight is Linda Husk from our Fiscal Department where she is the company’s Controller. From that perch, Linda makes sure our finances are sound. Like many great employees, Linda is passionate about things outside her role at Semco, something we encourage in our employees. In Linda’s case, that passion is community involvement, specifically mentoring young people in archery. That’s right--Linda is an archer, and a teacher of the sport (some would call it an artform). She is also a great practitioner of archery and regularly competes, and wins, in the sport.
Like many people, Linda found her way into her favored sport through early family exposure. Linda began shooting archery as a youth with her father at her family home in Henrietta, Ohio. She then continued her archery training in college, and has kept her skills sharp ever since. Just recently, Linda competed in the Ohio Archery Association (OAA) Indoor 300 Championship in Ashland, Ohio where she took home the gold medal in the Senior Female Bow Hunter Freestyle division, scoring a 362 11X and setting a new state record in this division. Linda has a few more competitions ahead in 2019, but has already taken home two Gold Medals and one Silver Medal. More impressively, she currently holds four state records in her division. There’s no question about Linda’s great skill in this popular, but rarely reported on, sport.
Being a crack shot with a bow and arrow has never been enough for Linda, though. Her love of archery goes deep, so deep that Linda has always felt compelled to share her time and expertise with young archers. Linda is a 30 year 4-H volunteer and has trained hundreds of youth in North Central Ohio on archery and other Shooting Sports projects. As a 4-H advisor, Linda has taught archery at the Kelleys Island 4-H Camp and has become an Ohio 4-H Certified Instructor in the Advanced Archery project area. Her dedication to mentoring young 4-H campers in archery has earned her a place in the Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame. Her work training young archers doesn’t end there. Linda is an Instructor for USA Archery, teaching in the Explore Archery Program and is also an Instructor for National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). This position takes her into area schools to teach archery to students.
Graphite Industry Leader "Hit the Bullseye"
Invariably, when an archery competition is portrayed in a movie, be it in a medieval romance or a romantic comedy, someone splits an arrow with another shot. But does this ever happen in real life? It does when Linda is shooting. One of Linda’s most impressive accomplishments in her archery career occurred this year at the Ohio Archery Association (OAA) Indoor 300 Championship where Linda had her own “Robin Hood moment.” So great was her accuracy in a shot that she hit the end of an arrow already in the center of the target. Incredible!
Semco is a better company because Linda is on our staff. Her passion for archery is indicative of her diligence and skill in helping to build and maintain our industry-leading graphite manufacturing operation in Ohio. Semco has many fine employees. In hiring Linda, we clearly hit the bullseye.