3 Reasons graphite recycling is better than disposal
Why Recycle?
Many industrial consumers of synthetic carbon and graphite products simply dispose of their used carbon and graphite components in landfills. Here are three good reasons to participate in a graphite recycling program.
1. Cost
Cost, is a large factor when disposing of used carbon and graphite industrial components. It simply is expensive to landfill this type of material. If the used graphite materials can be successfully segregated from other materials and contamination is not an issue these materials can be successfully recycled as opposed to being sent to landfills. There are processing facilities that will accept used synthetic carbon and graphite products.Much of this graphite ''scrap'' has value and processors are willing to pay for this materials.One reason to recycle is that receiving a payment for the used materials is better than paying to dispose of them.
2. Repurpose
The goal of the graphite recycling process is to find and alternate use for the materials. Typically used carbon and graphite products are re-purposed as ''Carbon Riser''. This carbon riser is used to modify the carbon content of steel and ferrous metal products.
An important consideration when re-purposing used carbon and graphite items for use as a carbon riser material is contamination. The carbon risers purpose is to increase the carbon content of molten metals as an additive. If the graphite being recycled has contamination such heavy metal salts, silicon carbide scale or non-ferrous metal contamination it may be ill suited for this purpose without additional processing.
3. Reduce Landfill Volume
It is much more environmentally friendly to dispose of the used carbon and graphite materials in a manner that reduces landfill volume. If the existing materials can be used to fill an industrial need, new product with its associated costs does not have to be created.